Posted on 5/12/2023

Smoke emitting from your exhaust is often the first sign that something is wrong with your vehicle. While the type of smoke you’re seeing can give you hints as to what’s wrong, the color of the smoke can tell you which components of your car are failing. Here is a quick guide to different smoke colors and their meaning: White Smoke: White exhaust comes from excessive fuel in the combustion chamber of your engine. It is usually a result of worn valve seals, piston rings, or damaged fuel injectors. It could also be due to a cracked or faulty intake manifold gasket. Blue Smoke: Blue exhaust smoke results from burning oil, and it’s often a sign that something is wrong with the valvetrain. The oil may leak from worn piston rings, valve seals, or worn valve guide seals. Gray Smoke: Gray smoke appears when the engine mistakenly burns the transmission fluid. This happens when the transmission leaks fluid or a seal has beco ... read more